Circuitry & Sewing
I first started building my circuit around the code I had and using the ports that were in the code. I originally wanted to use a rechargeable battery pack hooked up to a wireless receiver patch so that the stuffed animal can be powered without being plugged in. However, that idea was scrapped by the time of building the circuit due to the risk of overheating. I instead opted for the same battery pack with an opening for a charger to fit through. I also originally wanted to use a protoboard shield/hat for the circuit to allow for needing more than one wire going to certain pins which I instead combated by splitting off the wires and switching to the analog side. Soldering the circuit was also a huge pain because despite the multiple times I attempted it, the circuit didn't work reliably. Despite this, it worked consistently enough for the people at the expo to be none the wiser.